Bay Area Food Bloggers got together (to Meetup) at the SoMa
StrEat Food Park on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Tea Time joined this group in order to get tips and hints about the blogging world. This meetup was nominally about food photography, and while there was a photo contest (Tea Time got a prize!) our group talked a lot about what we were interested in doing during future meetups as well as getting the scoop on other members' blogs! We have Lots of photos from this meetup event, but we won't torture you with "4 Different Views of a Sandwich."
The StrEat Food Park is open Every day! |
Tea Time was pretty hungry, so we left the group chatting and went to forage some food. We ended up at
Little Green Cyclo and picked up some of their crisp and flavorful sweet potato tater tots! Tea Time Loves sweet potato fries, and these tater tots filled up the same spot, especially dipped in the spiced ketchup. We were lucky and the truck chef gave us their other dipping sauce free since neither J.K. or Angela had ever tried the tamarind. This sauce turned the tots into a dessert treat, with the hint of sweetness in the sauce bringing the "sweet" of the potatoes to the fore.
Next time we're getting the Bahn Mi too! |
We sacrificed a few tots to fellow bloggers, but that was good, 'cause it gave us more room for munching. Our second walk around brought us to the Old World Food Truck. Homemade Potato Chips! Pierogi!!
We can't resist fresh made potato chips, and neither could the photography judges. These chips were dusted with paprika for a smoky taste that paired well with the crisp fresh chips that Angela had to share. JK snapped the photo and our entry won "Most Hospitable." Luck was with our pierogi (potato and goat cheese, with pepper relish, caroway sour cream, dill and fried onion) dish as well since it tied for Most Tantalizing photo, though the picture itself was taken by
Anh with his fancy SLR camera. In addition to looking the part of "Most Mouthwatering" these pierogi had great flavor and texture. We definitely recommend the
Old World Food Truck!
Our prize-winning photo, grab 'em before they're gone! |
Our Potato and Goat Cheese Pierogi
All around winner in taste and presentation (our photo).
The Kraken is a very messy sandwich but well worth the trouble. Tea Time has a weakness for cole slaw in all its forms, and Angela has a craving for bacon. J.K. sorely misses the jumbo soft shell crab "sandwich" (Giant crab sitting on white bread, huge sides of cole slaw and fries. Her childhood friend orders a lobster roll without sides and they still have fries left over.) at
Jimmie's in Savin Rock, CT, so this is an all-around success with us.
We also have some photos of other bloggers' food truck choices. The contest was co-hosted (and judged) by our organizer
Jerome and Ezen from
NuffnangX, a website (and mobile app--iGadget and Android) that allows you to get the 411 on all your favorite blogs in one spot! Now, while we didn't get pictures of everything that got eaten this day, we're so happy to have met other people who enjoy getting nerdy about food! The photo that tied for the big prize of Most Mouthwatering was taken by
Meghan. Thanks to all the rest of the members of the meetup who participated (
Carmelita, Debbie,
Sonia, Stacey, and
Suha) and Jerome who is organizing a lot of fun things for the future. If you're a Bay Area blogger (or interested in starting a blog!), come out and join the fun!
Little Green Cyclo Fried Brussel Sprouts. |
Full menu at Old World Food Truck |
Rueben from the Old Word Truck. |
Falafel Gryo from Sunrise Deli. Melissa won Most Amusing with a photo incorporating their truck. |
Deconstructed Gyro, Ezen shared her bounty with us, thanks! |
Beef with bok choy and runny egg. |
Adam's Menu. We don't know why we read it--
We always get the Kraken! |
Adam's professional close-up of the Kraken |
Tea Time also brought dessert. Who brings food to a place where you buy lunch? Well, US. Because we can. And also, because there were too many Death by Caramel brownies for us to justify keeping them to ourselves. Look for them at the next
FoodSwap. Bring something good to trade!!
Death by Caramel Brownies. Go to Heaven with One Bite* |
*All rights reserved on this Hil-larious tag line we thought up. And it's gonna be copyrighted. So keep your sticky caramel covered mitts off our ideas. ;)